His Great Universe

I’ve looked at the universe and have marvelled at its beauty! As man gazes out of the most advanced telescopes modern technology can buy, we have seen worlds upon worlds, galaxy after galaxy going deeper and deeper into space. Some of the images that can be seen on the internet are stunning!

One of the Comic Book hero’s flies up to a falling lady. “I’ve Got you!” he assures the girl as he starts lifting her back to the window she fell out of.
“You’ve got me, but who’s got you?” exclaims the shaking lady.

Two things I’ve puzzled over about our Earth: Who is holding our planet up? “Who’s got the earth?” And in fact; who’s got all the planets? There seems to be nothing but a void space around each planet. We send Spaceships across that vast area to reach other planets. One does not see a gigantic rod through the center of each planet that is firmly fixed into an oversized land mass at the bottom that holds everything together. Everything just hangs in space!

The second thing is perpetual motion! Have you ever spun a coin, or a top or anything else that is a good spinner? We all know it’s a matter of time before even the best gyrator will stop spinning and flop over to a resting position.
The earth has been spinning for thousands of years and shows no signs of slowing down!

Another thing that surprises me about the earth is timing! You often hear it said that time is ‘Speeding up!’ That may be true, but each year still brings the four seasons; Summer: Autumn: Winter: Spring. Things bloom and grow in the Spring, then produce crops at the end of Summer, year after year without fail. True, there have been droughts and famines that have upset this process in parts of the world, but the earth produces enough food to feed all the peoples living on it.
Even the tides of the ocean have their patterns, and the sea is its own ‘washing machine’ – It cleans itself up!

Then there are things like the sunlight. Our eyes see far better in natural light than any man made artificial light source. Even the air that we breathe, if the exact chemical balance of gasses and chemicals that make up our air were altered in the smallest ways, we could all die of the worst poisoning ever imagined!

Like the rest of us, I’ve asked if other people could live on other planets. Yes, there is a possibility, but a high probability that we are the only intelligent living beings in the entire universe! So, what would help me to think that way?

When I try to make sense of all the evidence, I must conclude that all we see is no big accident! There is design in everything around us. Even when we study the smallest parts of our existence we see world upon worlds, further down past the smallest atom!

When we look at this, we know that the greatest human minds could not have come together to produce the magnificent world we live in. There has to be a Creator Who Fashioned you and I, and He must Love His Creation so much that He wants to reveal Himself to all the world. I feel He could have stopped at just producing our earth and a good light source to keep us alive. But this Creator has Wisdom and wanted the people He Designed to think about their surroundings, and about Him. I think He added all these things so that as mere mortals we would ‘look’ and be awe struck with its beauty, and the One Who Created them.

I for one, would love to get to know Him and His Love. How about you?

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