Category Poems


The telephone rang.A sad voice sang,‘You better come fast,Before all hope’s past.The message was briefIt caused you much grief.Now sitting…

By and By

Don’t weep for me when I’m gone!Rather rejoice!Rejoice that my name is written, In The Lamb’s Book of Life.For then,…

Because God Loves

Because God lovesHe sent an angelTo a girl named MaryBecause God lovesHe chose her to bearHis One and Only Son.Because…

Be Silent

Let us for once be silent before the Lord. Let us see His Great Majesty. Let us behold His beauty. And rejoice in one accord.


Chip away, chip away, I will resist. All Your great efforts I’ll greet with a fist. Chip away with Your Patience Chip away with Your Love I feel so downcast, I’ll hide from my past.

At Calvary

It was for me You Bled and Died At Calvary. At Calvary. You paid the price You did not owe. And now my love To You I show.